Anav Chand

It's cool to be good at many things, but it's better to be the best at one thing.

Hey my dude!. I'm Anav, a fullstack web developer from Fiji. I am currently pursuing a bachelors of Software Engineering at the University of the South Pacific.

I fell in love with web development during my final year highschool project and have been growing my skill set ever since.

I also like writing documentation :)

Tech I like

Next JS - This makes building fullstack apps so goddamn easy and quick. It definitely has it flaws but covers it up with it's massive pool of features and amazing developer experience.

Astro JS - This was one of the first frameworks I learnt while moving to component based development. I've had a blast making all of my Astro blogs, it's fun and simple.

Tailwind - Getting used to this was painful, but now it's basically a requirement for any website I build. Also love their color palettes, it's vibrant and never disappoints.

Prisma - This got me interested into databases, like how relationships work and different types of constraints. Huge fan of the syntax and Prisma Studio (sorry Drizzle).

Cool Shit I've Built

Gamers Hub - This is a simple blog website for gamers that features the latest news articles on various games. Built using Astro JS.

Shock Pad - This is a native desktop note taking app for Windows which features markdown shortcuts and periodical auto saving. Built using Electron JS.

Batman - This is a Discord bot that responds as if it were Batman. It is powered by Googles Palm AI and runs on a Node JS server.

Great Quotes - This is a web app that hosts various great quotes my friends and I have said throughout highschool and university. Built using the T3 stack.

Digi Diary - This is a note taking progressive web app where after creating an account, users can add, update and delete notes. Built using the MERN stack.

Codeology - This is a blogging website which also has web development-related quizzes and live web projects. Built using Astro JS.

Like What You See?

If my skill set interests you, feel free to contact me. I'm always down for a job or better yet, a collab project.